Ambia Weather all year round
Rainy weather is expected in this period (a total of 12 days with weather events).
There is strong chance of thunderstorms. (11 out of 30 days).
In the event of thunderstorm, hail may occur.
Fog is observed on average once every 5 years within the given period.
November 2024 : Statistically expected weather conditions
Temperature is expected to range between the following values:
Day: 32°C
Night: 18°C
It is noted that, during the past, the following extreme values have been recorded:
Maximum record: 39°C
Minimum record: 4°C
Temperature Graph:
Expected range of values
The maximum daily wind speed is expected to range between 6 Km/h and 20 Km/h.
For this long-range forecast the following data have been used:
4907 weather observations for period 1974-2024