Bangifoutoula: Warning for severe weather conditions
Severe weather conditions expected: Friday, November 1, 2024 (night)
Bangifoutoula, The weather in the past
Weather station:
at 83.9km of
Station location: Lat 4.733 Lon 22.833 Altitude 500m
Station location: Lat 4.733 Lon 22.833 Altitude 500m
Date | Daily minimum temperature | Daily maximum temperature | Maximum steady wind | Maximum wind gust | Total daily precipitation | Snow depth | Pressure | Icon | Description |
1/1/2013 | 17°C | 35°C | N/A | N/A | 0mm | N/A | 1007.7mb | weather events not reported | |
1/2/2013 | 17°C | 34°C | 8 Km/h | N/A | 0mm | N/A | 1008.7mb | weather events not reported | |
1/3/2013 | 16°C | 35°C | 11 Km/h | N/A | 0mm | N/A | 1009.4mb | weather events not reported | |
1/4/2013 | 17°C | 35°C | 11 Km/h | N/A | 0mm | N/A | 1009.8mb | weather events not reported |
Bangifoutoula: Nearby areas
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