Beruged Weather all year round
Chance of rain in this period is low (a total of 2 days with weather events).
Thunderstorms are unlikely to occur in this period since they are observed once every 2 years on average.
Fog is observed on average once every 9 years within the given period.
November 2024 : Statistically expected weather conditions
Temperature is expected to range between the following values:
Day: 33°C
Night: 22°C
It is noted that, during the past, the following extreme values have been recorded:
Maximum record: 37°C
Minimum record: 12°C
Temperature Graph:
Expected range of values
The maximum daily wind speed is expected to range between 10 Km/h and 20 Km/h.
For this long-range forecast the following data have been used:
4708 weather observations for period 1979-2024