Bilhelli, The weather in the past
Date | Daily minimum temperature | Daily maximum temperature | Maximum steady wind | Maximum wind gust | Total daily precipitation | Snow depth | Pressure | Icon | Description |
11/20/1981 | 26°C | 27°C | N/A | N/A | 0mm | N/A | 1013.1mb | weather events not reported |
Bilhelli: Nearby areas
- Adat
- Dabagalo
- Zeco
- Hem Auare
- Galxagarre
- Uarandi
- Bajeela
- Haf Gudud Mahan
- Goble Hodan
- Baaduin
- Ceel Garas
- Bacadweyne
- Gian Der
- Qaydarrey
- Ceeldheer Cammaara
- Geedaley
- Gumar
- El Dur
- Biyomaal
- Afguduudle
- Dehi
- Gire
- Wisil
- Ambalio
- Warshubo
- Colguula
- Hadili
- Buro
- Levi Aliale
- Gal Gorum
- Libimaay
- Baxdo
- Xabo
- Debatscile
- Duurgale
- Haro
- Miliqo
- Goxoo
- Laz Aer
- Qeycad
- Dabagale
- Hariyo
- Faddhi Tehele
- Mirroon
- Gawaan
- Balli Hat
- Hero Caralei
- Doongaab
- Delenle
- Dumaaye
- Aual Alas
- Cantor
- Ortalis
- Bariir
- Balli Galad
- Dol
- Carfuuda
- Gaxabdho
- Ooddan
- Ceelgaalaad
- Degagou
- El Bogofier
- Goof Ganaan
- Gubet Lafole
- Agarrei
- El Gorei
- War Galoh
- Dadle
- Hen Daier
- Gorayeryaal
- Sermanle
- Ceel Huur
- Ferdehe
- Berde
- Guba Arar
- Hobyo
- Deegaan
- Gubet Fara
- Ceel Dheere
- Xaraf