Savas, The weather in the past
Date | Daily minimum temperature | Daily maximum temperature | Maximum steady wind | Maximum wind gust | Total daily precipitation | Snow depth | Pressure | Icon | Description |
11/1/2024 | 15°C | 28°C | 21 Km/h | N/A | 0mm | N/A | N/A | weather events not reported | |
11/2/2024 | 12°C | 26°C | 22 Km/h | 39 Km/h | 0mm | N/A | N/A | weather events not reported | |
11/3/2024 | 12°C | 21°C | 22 Km/h | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Thunderstorm Rain |
11/4/2024 | 11°C | 22°C | 21 Km/h | N/A | 0mm | N/A | N/A | weather events not reported | |
11/5/2024 | 8°C | 24°C | 11 Km/h | N/A | 0mm | N/A | N/A | weather events not reported | |
11/6/2024 | 11°C | 23°C | 15 Km/h | N/A | 0mm | N/A | N/A | weather events not reported | |
11/7/2024 | 11°C | 24°C | 15 Km/h | N/A | 0mm | N/A | N/A | weather events not reported | |
11/8/2024 | 11°C | 25°C | 9 Km/h | N/A | 0mm | N/A | N/A | weather events not reported |
Freemeteo Hotel Bookings >> Savas Hotels
1.5km of Savas
Situated in Iskenderun, Grand Akçalı Otel offers free Wi-Fi in all areas. All rooms of the...
Minimum rate: 40.00 EUR
2.0km of Savas
Just a 10-minute drive to the seafront, Boutique the Anilife is a 5-minute drive to the ce...
Minimum rate: 44.00 EUR
2.4km of Savas
About 900 metres from Prime Shopping Mall, Grand Onur Hotel is a 3-minute drive from Isken...
Minimum rate: 27.00 EUR
4.9km of Savas
Located only 5 km from Iskenderun city centre, Anemon Iskenderun has modern rooms with sea...
Minimum rate: 40.16 EUR
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