Veertien Strome, current weather conditions
Estimated ReportVeertien Strome, South Africa
Wind: 13 Km/h
Rel. humidity:
23% |
5:00 17°C327°17 Km/h
8:00 24°C332°36 Km/h
11:00 31°C327°30 Km/h
14:00 34°C294°27 Km/h
Veertien Strome: Hourly weather forecast
Veertien Strome: The sun & the moon right now
Veertien Strome: Nearby areas
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- Jan Kempdorp
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- Content
- Futchersplaas
- Majeng
- Windsorton Road
- Christiana
- Thota va tau
- Windsorton
- Losasaneno
- Sekhing
- Mammutla
- Hartswater
- Klipdam
- Pampierstad
- Seoding
- Mayeakgoro
- Lower Mayeakgoro
- Geelblom
- Smith’s Mine
- Mount Rupert
- Magagaaphiri
- Boetsap
- Mothanthanyaneng
- Shaleng
- Sedu Kung
- Talsen
- Magogong
- Pholofolo
- Rietfontein
- Bankdrif
- Motsweding
- Mololema
- Witputs
- Dikhuting
- Pholoholo
- Longaneng
- Marotaneng
- Thomeng
- Madipelesa
- Kokomeng
- Mokasa I
- Ga-Mokake
- Pitsong
- Vaalboschhoek
- Maphoitsile
- Riverton
- Morokweng
- Mokasa II
- Matolong
- Mookaothupa
- Norlim
- Buxton
- Itireleng
- Erickswill
- Manoko
- Manthestad
- Tamasikwa
- Rooiwal
- Manokwane
- Tweelingspan
- Moshoso
- Lokammona
- Lethola
- Diretsaneng
- Vergaderplek
- Mokgareng
- Tswedintlhe
- Takaneng
- Taung
- Makgori
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- Khibitswane
- Bamokgoko
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- Waldecks Plant