Kampong Malagatan - Weekend weather

Lat: 5.29 | Lon: 116.97 | Forecast for altitude: 324m | Map

Kampong Malagatan, The weather this weekend

Friday 10 May
24°C / 36°C
Day: Partly cloudy skiesNight: Cloudy with a chance of showers
4 Km/h

Precipitation: 1.4mm
Rel. humidity: 48% - 96%
Pressure: 1006.9mb - 1012.3mb

Saturday 11 May
23°C / 36°C
Day: Cloudy with a chance of showersNight: Partly cloudy skies
5 Km/h

Precipitation: 2.2mm
Rel. humidity: 49% - 96%
Pressure: 1007.6mb - 1012.9mb

Sunday 12 May
24°C / 36°C
Day: Partly cloudy with a chance of rainNight: Cloudy skies
6 Km/h

Precipitation: 1mm
Rel. humidity: 40% - 95%
Pressure: 1006.7mb - 1012.2mb

Kampong Malagatan: Weekend weather forecast
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Local Time: Kampong Malagatan, Malaysia

06 May 2024 | 08:38