Weather Namalemba - Long term weather forecast

Lat: 0.92 | Lon: 33.67 | Forecast for altitude: 1051m | Map

Namalemba   Weather all year round


Chance of rain is scarce in this period.
There is little chance of stormy weather.

May 2024-Week 3: Statistically expected weather conditions
  • Weather events distribution is calculated according to statistics from historical observations.
  • Weekly long-term estimates may differ from monthly estimates due to shorter statistical samples (7 days instead of 30 days).


Temperature is expected to range between the following values:
Day: 28°C
Night: 19°C
It is noted that, during the past, the following extreme values have been recorded:
Maximum record: 31°C
Minimum record: 15°C

Temperature Graph:
Extreme Values31°CExtreme Values15°C

Expected range of values



The maximum daily wind speed is expected to range between 13 Km/h and 18 Km/h.

Wind speed:
13 Km/h18 Km/hExpected wind speed
Prevailing wind direction:
350° - 11°
*Long term forecasts are created from statistical analysis of weather conditions observed in the past.

For this long-range forecast the following data have been used:
613 weather observations for period 1957-2024

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Local Time: Namalemba, Uganda

13 May 2024 | 21:01